A Timeless Message
When Donna and I began Turning Point in 1982, we couldn't imagine God would bless us with the presence we have in the world today. But as Turning Point got started, we began to see how God worked—giving us moments along the way to step out in faith and seize opportunities. That momentum took us to the next level and then the next.
I'm not one to look back. I'm always looking forward and always searching for the "what's next" in God's plan for us. It's not that I don't see value in looking at the past. God has done much in and through Turning Point over the last forty years. There are countless examples of how He's provided—and a long list of opportunities seized and lives transformed for eternity—that are well-worth remembering and celebrating.
But reaching forty years is not the end of something; it's just the beginning.
Though the world has changed since our ministry's humble beginnings, the Word of God has not—it is the same yesterday, today, and forever! It is a timeless book with a timeless message, and at this moment in time, God has provided Turning Point great opportunity to take the message of the Gospel to the world and into the future, as never before.
God has given us one of the largest delivery systems of the Gospel in the world. A delivery system of radio, television, print, and digital media, which I believe comes with a great deal of responsibility.
It's a profound thought that with all that has been accomplished through Turning Point Ministries, in many respects we haven't even scratched the surface of the work that needs to be done for the Kingdom. Turning Point is taking bold steps to empower a superb staff and harness the power of technology to present the timeless message of the Gospel to the world not just for our time, but for all time!
David Jeremiah
A Timeless Mission
Delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world!
This is the mission of Turning Point. However, the question is not if we will deliver the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world; the question is how long will we deliver the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world?
We believe that God has called us not only to today but also to tomorrow. Beyond our lifetime.
Until the Lord returns. This started with the investments we've been making for forty years—the wise decisions to ensure my father's teaching can be captured, curated, and communicated in dozens of ways for the future, continually harnessing the power of methodology to reach the world with compelling and creative media not attempted by most ministries and championing the Word of God with a standard of excellence that results in a clear and timeless presentation of the Bible.
I am sure the disciples thought Jesus would be back in their lifetime, as we most likely do ourselves. Almost two thousand years later, we still don't know the hour of Christ's return, so we must do all we can today to preserve the Word of God by preaching, teaching, and reaching the world with it as if Jesus will not come back anytime soon. We are determined to be diligent in the present and to plan, produce, and promote the Word of God for the future. We are delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world and in our lifetime, investing in sound Bible ministry to impact an ever-changing future.
David Michael Jeremiah
A Timeless Moment
How can a moment be timeless?
There are thousands of moments in the Bible that should live on forever.
The moment when light was spoken into existence and the moment God breathed life into man. The moment the Red Sea parted and the moment the tabernacle veil was ripped in two. The moment Jesus was born in Bethlehem and the moment a star burst into radiance in the sky above. The moments Jesus turned water into wine, healed a leper, calmed the sea, and spoke the words to bring His friend back to life. The moment when Jesus died on a wooden cross and the moment He arose and the stone was rolled away. Paul's life-changing moment on the road to Damascus. The moment when the final trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will rise! And the last moment possible to accept Jesus before it's too late.
These are just a few of the meaningful moments found in the Word of God—moments from amazing stories that need to be told and not forgotten. Moments that inspire, transform and change lives.
So how do we ensure these moments are timeless?
By presenting them in compelling teaching packaged in attractive presentations. This is the goal of Turning Point—to create media with such creative excellence that it will impact today's world and the world of tomorrow.
This is our moment.
Paul Joiner
Turning Point
By the Numbers


We are Delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world...
Turning Point Radio
Turning Point got its start on radio in 1982 and has since become one of the top Bible teaching programs in the United States, airing on 1,976 domestic outlets. Taking all those stations into account, Turning Point Radio can be heard more than 4,000 times per day, 7 days per week. This means 78 million radio programs hit the airwaves in 2023 alone! Dr Jeremiah’s passion is to teach the Word of God and evangelize to as many people as possible. By way of radio, he reaches 1.5 million listeners every week in the United States.
- Route 66: 1-minute daily spots launched in 2005 with 1,822 programs now in rotation!
- 118 unique teaching series aired since 1982
- 1,976 domestic radio outlets (full power and translators
- 4,003 Turning Point Radio programs broadcast domestically each day.
- Nielsen: An estimated 1.5 million weekly listeners
- 78 million radio programs heard in 2023 on U.S. radio.
Turning Point’s first international radio program aired in Belize on October 1, 1994. From the tropical islands of Guam, Palau, and Micronesia to the African plains of Uganda, Malawi, and South Sudan, our international broadcast footprint has expanded to cover much of the world on 102 stations across 17 countries. Altogether, more than 122,000 programs air each year outside of the United States.
Albanian: Reaching Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro (Potential reach: 7 million)
Bahasa Indonesian: Reaching Jakarta and greater Java (Potential reach: 151 million)
English (International): Reaching parts of Africa, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, and the UK (Potential reach: 326 million)
Farsi: Reaching Farsi speakers in England, Germany, Turkey, and the United States (Potential reach: 440,000)
French: Reaching Quebec, Canada (Potential reach: 550,000)
Hindi: Reaching Fiji (Potential reach: 925,000)
Igbo: Reaching Nigeria (Potential reach: 31 million)
Mandarin: Reaching Australia, Canada, and the United States (Potential reach: 4 million)
Spanish: Reaching every Spanish-speaking country, except Cuba (Potential reach: 486 million)
Turning Point Television
Turning Point Television was telecast this past year on 17 national and religious networks as well as 160 local stations and affiliates, including TBN, History Channel, A&E, Daystar, Lifetime, and FOX Business. With programs airing every day of the week in the United States, with specific programming for both the weekend edition of Turning Point and series throughout the week, Dr Jeremiah‘s Bible Strong teaching was telecast to a total of 2.95 million households every week in the last year.
- 17 national or regional networks; 160 local stations/affiliates
- 400 Weekday programs launched since December 2018
- 101 unique teaching series aired since 2000
- 1.4 million TV households per weekend
- 310,000 TV households per weekday
- 153 million TV programs watched in 2023
International Reach
Dr Jeremiah’s teaching reaches across the globe beyond the United States. It starts with English language programming available in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand. That’s not to mention the international reach of the same programming, which is distributed through Turning Point Television. Here are the current foreign language editions of Turning Point Television:
Albanian: Reaching Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro (Potential reach: 7 million)
Arabic: Reaching the Middle East and Northeast Africa (Potential reach: 493 million)
Bahasa Indonesia: Reaching Indonesia (Potential reach: 274 million)
Farsi: Reaching Afghanistan, Iran, and Tajikistan (Potential reach: 87 million)
Hebrew: Reaching Israel (Potential reach: 9 million)
Hindi: Reaching India (Potential reach: 528 million)
Mandarin: Reaching Southeast Asia and Taiwan (Potential reach: 25 million)
Punjabi: Reaching Punjab, India (Potential reach: 33 million)
Russian: Reaching Russia and Ukraine (Potential reach: 258 million)
Spanish (Momento Decisivo): Reaching Spain, Central and South America, and 11,000 U.S. households each month (Potential reach: 486 million)
Tamil: Reaching Tamil Nadu, India (Potential reach: 82 million)
Telugu: Reaching Andhra Pradesh, India (Potential reach: 96 million)
Ukrainian: Reaching Ukraine (Potential reach: 45 million)
Turning Points Magazine & Devotional
Turning Points Magazine and Devotional is a free resource offered only through Turning Point and is the most tried and true publication that is sent to readers each month. For dedicated supporters of the ministry, it is a familiar source of inspiration arriving to their mailbox. For people new to Turning Point, it is one of the first pieces of mail they receive from us.
Each month readers can find articles and devotionals from Dr Jeremiah that will encourage, challenge, and strengthen their walk with the Lord.
The magazine is a well-oiled machine, and at any given time, five magazines are in the process of being produced. Each magazine spends about one month in the following phases: concept, writing, proofing, design, and printing/mailing.
It All Starts With a Book.
Inspiration. That’s how it all begins. And from there, Dr Jeremiah takes his direction and goes to work. And work it is. Writing a book is no easy feat—especially when you write one or more books a year!
In tandem, Dr Jeremiah teaches the material he is writing, and then that teaching is turned into an audio book, study guides, television and radio programs, CDs and DVDs, web and app content, digital outreach, social media posts, magazine content, ancillary Bible study resources, and as in the case of Why the Nativity?, a film.
And that’s just the beginning. Each book and the materials created from it are then translated into fifteen foreign languages for Turning Point’s international ministry.
Take a look at Dr David Jeremiah’s body of work.
We're Very Social!
Our social media accounts are often the first place people will go to interact with us online, and we leverage these platforms to deliver video, audio, and written content to our digital audience.
4.4 MILLION people come to Turning Point by clicking through from social media strategies.
12.3 MILLION is the organic ministry reach of Turning Point through Facebook in 2023, with a total reach of 98 MILLION souls.
3.6 MILLION is the organic ministry outreach of Turning Point through Instagram in 2023, with a total reach of 29 MILLION souls.
11.7 MILLION ministry impressions from Turning Point in 2023 to those using X (Twitter).
1.9 MILLION views per message of video from Dr Jeremiah in 2023 with 375,000 subscribers.
The Perhaps Today pre-enactment videos are among the most significantly impactful pieces of content Turning Point has ever created. And God is using them to reach multitudes! Here is a quick breakdown of the top 5 videos:
#1 - School Bus: 192.4 million views
#2 - Traffic Stop: 20 million views
#3 - Airport Quad: 17.3 million
#4 - Urban Street: 5 million views
#5 - Daughter on Swing: 3.7 million views
More than 300 million people were reached organically on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok!
Anyone. Anywhere. Anytime!
Turning Point Websites & Apps
In July 2022, we launched a brand-new Turning Point app across eight digital platforms, delivering pivotal, Bible Strong teaching like never before: on-demand, from any screen, virtually anywhere.
1.6 million
people have downloaded the Turning Point app on their phone.
Every 3-4 minutes
someone downloads the app on their phone. (We have recently averaged 347 downloads per day). The mobile app is available in both the Apple App Store (which accounts for more than 50% of downloads), and the Google Play Store.
8,739 active users
engage with the mobile app each day, on average. Slightly more Android users consistently engage with the app than iOS users (ironically).
125,000 push-notification subscribers
receive notifications each day on their mobile device with recommended videos, audio messages, and resources to help them in their faith.
$1.02 million
in revenue was generated by the app in 2022, a growth of 315% over the last 5 years.
We’ve Gone Over-the-Top!
In 2022, we expanded the footprint of the Turning Point app to include smart TVs, launching on five OTT (over-the-top) platforms: Roku, FireTV, Apple TV, Samsung TV, and LG TV. All the same videos, audio messages, devotionals, and articles available in the mobile app are available on our TV apps.
31,000 smart TV users
have accessed the app since we launched in July 2022.
Roku is the most popular platform
by far. Since it’s launch, more than 21,000 people have downloaded the Turning Point app on Roku.
TV app users engage longer
than mobile users. Average watch time on a smart TV is more than 50% higher than on mobile devices.
It’s free, no account required
Users can start streaming as soon as they access any of our smart TV apps—no login or subscription required. All the same broadcast content we make available on our mobile app and website are freely available on our smart TV apps.
To date, over 750,000 people
have created an account with which they can login on any device—not just smart TVs.
Building a Bigger Platform!
With the launch of our new apps on mobile and smart TV platforms in 2022, we also launched TurningPoint+ in all apps, allowing users to access 40+ years of Bible Strong content on-demand, from any device, for a gift of any monthly amount.
We currently make available more than 2,000 hours of Dr Jeremiah’s teaching, in both audio and video format. We’ve curated his messages into 300 branded playlists—and allow users to create and share their own.
As the platform grows, we aim to expand our offering with exceptional content and digital experiences that teach, grow, and inspire people in their faith.
1,538 audio messages
are available now, spanning more than 40 years of teaching from Dr Jeremiah.
531 full-length video messages
are currently available, with more being digitized for TurningPoint+. Unlike traditional broadcast TV, we’re able to provide rich teaching that was originally captured in standard definition.
300 branded playlists
blend the best of Dr Jeremiah’s audio and video teaching and make messages with related topics easily available in one collection.
43,200 paying subscribers
have signed up for TurningPoint+ since we launched in July 2022. We make it available for a monthly gift of any amount, and the average monthly signup amount is just under $6.
Available in all our apps
TurningPoint+ is not a separate app but rather a service available in all our apps, whether mobile or TV. We also make it available on the web at TurningPointPlus.org.
For more than 25 years, Dr Jeremiah has been bringing the ministry of Turning Point to communities throughout the United States and around the world in one-night inspirational rallies. One of the few ministries still holding arena events, David Jeremiah Live! events feature worship, special musical guests, interviews, and teaching from Dr Jeremiah. Here are just some of the cities where events have been held:
Akron, Ohio
Alberta, Canada
Atlanta, Georgia
Baltimore, Maryland
Bangor, Maine
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Billings, Montana
Birmingham Alabama
Boise, Idaho
Brainerd Michigan
Buffalo, New York
Charleston, South Carolina
Charlotte, North Carolina
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Cincinnati, Ohio
Clearwater, Florida
Cleveland, Ohio
Columbus, Georgia
Columbus, Ohio
Dallas, Texas
Dayton, Ohio
Decatur, Alabama
Delta, BC Canada
Denver, Colorado
Ellicott City, Maryland
Elverson, Pennsylvania
Elyria, Ohio
Gainesville, Florida
Greensboro, North Carolina
Greenville, South Carolina
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Fort Worth, Texas
Hawthorne, New Jersey
Hershey, Pennsylvania
Huntsville, Alabama
Jacksonville, Florida
Johnson City, New York
Kalispell, Montana
Lake Charles, Louisiana
Lakeland, Florida
Lincoln, Nebraska
London, England, United Kingdom
Lynchburg, Virginia
Macon, Georgia
Modesto, California
Montgomery, Alabama
Nashville, Tennessee
Norfolk, Virginia
Orlando, Florida
Parma Heights, Ohio
Perry Hall, Maryland
Phoenix, Arizona
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Raleigh, North Carolina
Reading, Pennsylvania
Rochester, New York
Salem, New Hampshire
Sanford, North Carolina
Savannah, Georgia
Seattle, Washington
Spartanburg, South Carolina
St. Paul, Minnesota
St. Petersburg, Florida
Tallahassee, Florida
Tampa, Florida
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Waco, Texas
Warwick, Bermuda
Washington, D.C.
Wichita, Kansas
Williamsville, New York
Winston Salem, North Carolina
Approaching 1 Million All-Time Attendance!
Turning Point Studios
With the global release of Why the Nativity?, Turning Point's first-ever full-length docudrama, Turning Point Studios was launched and has already become a key part of Turning Point's vision for delivering the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world.
In fact, over 300 million people have seen Why the Nativity?, and in 2025, we are starting pre-production on Why the Cross? and other film and media projects.
Turning Point International takes Dr Jeremiah’s content prepared and produced for the English-speaking audience in the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, and modifies it for media consumption overseas in fifteen foreign languages.
Albanian (started in 2021)
Arabic (started in 2009)
Bahasa (started in 2019)
Farsi (started in 2016)
French (started in 2023)
Hebrew (started in 2020)
Hindi (started in 2016)
Igbo (started in 2013)
Mandarin (started in 2011)
Punjabi (started in 2012)
Russian (started in 2004)
Spanish (started in 2001)
Tamil (started in 2022)
Telugu (started in 2018)
Ukranian (started in 2022)
Momento Decisivo broadcasts on more than 375 stations and in 22 countries. We’ve also increased our Spanish outreach in the digital world by launching our Spanish ministry app, which currently has over 85,000 downloads, in 2015 and expanding our Spanish website last year. We’ve distributed more than 15,000 Your Greatest Turning Point new believer kits to those responding to Momento Decisivo programming.
The very first foreign language opportunity for Dr Jeremiah’s radio program was Spanish when Momento Decisivo began translating radio programs and Bible study resources in 2001.
In September 2022, Momento Decisivo Television made its nationwide debut, reaching audiences through History En Espanol, Daystar, and Enlace in Latin America. Local broadcasts also reach Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Uruguay, and the Caribbean.
Through Momento Decisivo, we’ve been granted the opportunity to connect with the 42 million Spanish speakers in the U.S., nearly 12 million bilingual Spanish speakers in the U.S., and countless more across the globe.
Momento Decisivo Mobile App
Your Greatest Turning Point booklets have been distributed
on Facebook
48 books
translated into Spanish
Next Generation: Kids
We can’t shield our children and grandchildren from the media, but we can choose the media by which they are influenced. Billions of dollars are being invested in Hollywood to create secular entertainment for children. And children will always choose the highest quality and creative content they can find.
We firmly believe that it won’t be until believers invest in media that is both biblically grounded and creatively excellent, meeting the standards kids expect from the secular world, that we will truly make a difference. Technology and media can be powerful tools for God’s purposes, and we see them as opportunities rather than challenges.
Turning Point is here for the Next Generation.
Audio since 2016
Digital & Printed Resources
Animation: In Development
Animation: In Development
Digital & Printed Resources: In Development
Animation: In Development
Digital & Printed Resources: In Development
Next Generation: Young Adults
The passage into adulthood is filled with more questions than answers—questions of identity, purpose, and calling in a world of overwhelming pressures and mixed messages. What do young adults do with all the questions, unknowns, and uncertainties that lie before them?
The search for these answers led Turning Point Ministries to the launch of PassagesTV—a community of young adults who are passionate about pursuing Jesus Christ and discovering their God-given calling through life’s everyday adventures.
Hosted by Dr Jeremiah’s grandson, David Todd Jeremiah, PassagesTV creates compelling Christian video content for the young adult through outdoor adventures, inspirational devotionals, and Discover Your Calling interviews with noted names such as Tony Dungy, James Brown, Daniel Jeremiah, and more.
22 Adventure Videos
7 Interviews
2 Man-on-the-street Videos
118 Devotionals
4K Instagram Followers
1.8K YouTube Subscribers
1.4K Facebook Followers
*Stats as of January 2023


Redeeming the time God has given us and investing the time, talent, and treasures He has entrusted us with is how we answer the call of our generation…to our generation…our children’s children, and all generations to come.
We may be forgotten one day, but the Word of God will shine as a beacon in the darkness of forever because we passed the flame of the Gospel to those who came behind us. Let us plan, prepare, present, preserve, and most importantly, persevere! Here is what lies ahead:

We are reaching!
Television and Radio Expansion
We are boldly adding additional airtime for Turning Point Radio and Television programs and increasing our media footprint in the United States and around the world.

We are expanding!
Studio Expansion
Growth-inspired expansion of media production studios: Digital content, podcasts, live streaming, television series, television specials, small group content, teaching content, and more.

We are building!
Facility Expansion
Growth-inspired expansion and remodel of Turning Point Headquarters, including the addition of a 50,000 square foot operations facility in San Diego.

We are programming!
Streaming Platforms & Apps
We are expanding the vault of Bible study content to be accessed 24/7 with compelling content and programming that will further the reach of TurningPoint+ and the Turning Point App.

We are translating!
Language Expansion
Turning Point adds new languages every year to domestic and international television, radio, and digital programming supported by language specific web and ecommerce platforms.

We are connecting!
Next Generation
Brand development of Airship Genesis to create an animated feature, animated series, and digital content for Airship Genesis, Bible Heroes, and The Incredible Journey Through the Bible. Also, expanding the digital content and podcasting production aimed at young adults through PassagesTV.

We are printing!
Turning Point Publishing
Moving forward with active publishing of Dr David Jeremiah materials for the consumer and for our Turning Point family.

We are creating!
Turning Point Studios
Turning Point Studios moves into the next phase of studio production to create thrilling television, film, and digital content to reach the world.
For more than forty years, people have been looking to Dr David Jeremiah’s teaching on Turning Point for answers to their spiritual questions, religious programming to inspire their faith, and Bible study resources to strengthen their walk with God. After decades of ministry and plans for decades more, Turning Point is committed to Bible Strong teaching.
Turning Point is committed to reaching souls for Jesus Christ and training them to grow in the knowledge of their faith in God.
Turning Point is committed to presenting sound Bible teaching wherever possible, to every person possible, by every means possible.
Turning Point is committed to teaching the whole counsel of God and not bending our programming to adhere to political, financial, or topical trends.
Turning Point is committed to the creative packaging of foundational Bible teaching for both the lost and the believer.
Turning Point is committed to being biblically based and to reflecting the truth of God’s Word.
Turning Point is committed to maintaining creative and appealing presentations of Dr Jeremiah’s teaching for generations to come.
Turning Point is committed to using technology so the world can access Turning Point through audio, digital, streaming, video, and print resources.
Turning Point is committed to keeping the Great Commission at the center of all we do.
Not Just For Our Time...But For All Time.
Become a larger part of Turning Point by becoming a Bible Strong Partner
Bible Strong Partners are truly the backbone of our ministry—and believe in sharing God's Word faithfully and effectively across borders and generations. We invite you to be a vital part of the vision God has given us for the days ahead:

$+ per week commitment
Or yearly minimum of $2,000

$+ per day commitment
Or yearly minimum of $7,000
Statement of Faith
Turning Point for God was founded in 1982 as the broadcast ministry of Dr David Jeremiah to deliver the unchanging Word of God to an ever-changing world. Over the years, the phenomenal growth of the English broadcast ministry has enabled David Jeremiah's teaching to be translated into multiple languages, taking the ministry outreach beyond our borders.
Today, Turning Point reaches every state in the U.S., covers six continents, and touches people around the globe with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The church faith is expressed in that form of doctrine generally held by those known as Baptists, the distinguishing features of which are stated below.
As Baptists, we stand for the supreme authority of the Word of God as the only rule of faith and practice, as opposed to all human traditions.
We stand for the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as Christ enjoined them upon His followers; the same in number, in act, in order and in symbolic meaning, unchanged and unchangeable ‘til He comes again.
As a New Testament Church, we affirm our belief in the individual priesthood of the believer, in the verbal inspiration and authority of the Scriptures; in the Virgin Birth and essential Deity of our Lord; in His atoning death and bodily resurrection; in His ascension into Heaven and promised endowment of the Holy Spirit; in His personal, visible premillennial return and ultimate and undisputed Kingdom and reign.
We stand for a regenerated and spiritual church, holding that only those who have confessed a personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord shall be received into this church or welcomed to its ordinances.
In church policy we believe:
That a Christian Church is a local congregation, under Christ complete in itself, sovereign and independent.
That Christ committed to each church the sole guardianship and control of the ordinances; i.e., preaching the Gospel, baptizing and administering the Lord’s Supper.
That all church rights and privileges are limited to the discipline of each local church.
That no semblance of ecclesiastical authority can be exercised except by a local church. The local church alone can elect, commission, and depose its officers, receive discipline and exclude its members.