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Dr. David Jeremiah


January 2025
Purchase Listen Series
Hope in God (Pt. 1)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
Have you ever tried to fix a problem until you had drained all your strength and resources, and all you had left was hope? Dr. David Jeremiah explains how hope is most alive just when everything seems hopeless. And that’s just one of the Bible’s paradoxes about hope you’ll encounter in this message.
Digital Product
Hope--An Anchor For Life (Pt. 2)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
Nothing can make you feel more lost and adrift than hopelessness, nor more secure than hope. No wonder the writer of Hebrews says hope is like an anchor. Dr. David Jeremiah continues his series on hope with a look at the three qualities that make hope so uniquely fulfilling for the believer.
Digital Product
Hope--An Anchor For Life (Pt. 1)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
It is essential to life, yet many try to live without it. Christians have it in abundance, but sometimes forget when trouble comes. It’s hope. And Dr. David Jeremiah wants to help you cultivate and become filled with life-giving hope. If you struggle with hopelessness, listen in.
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Advancing the Word of God
Bible Strong
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
In legal matters, it’s important to maintain written records and have important declarations in writing. But is it also important in spiritual matters? Dr. David Jeremiah says, “Yes!” as he shares the benefits of journaling. Whether it’s a new concept or part of your daily routine for a lifetime, you’ll appreciate today’s message, “Advancing the Word of God.”
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Advancing the Word of God (Pt. 2)
Bible Strong
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
You’ve heard people say journaling took their spiritual lives to new heights, and you’re ready to try it… but perhaps you don’t know what to write about. Relax! Dr. David Jeremiah offers a helpful handful of ideas to get you writing and keep you journaling every day.
Digital Product
Advancing the Word of God (Pt. 1)
Bible Strong
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
In legal matters, it’s important to maintain written records and have important declarations in writing. But is it also important in spiritual matters? Dr. David Jeremiah says, “Yes!” as he shares the benefits of journaling. Whether it’s a new concept or part of your daily routine for a lifetime, you’ll appreciate today’s message, “Advancing the Word of God.”
Digital Product
Accessing the Word of God (Pt. 2)
Bible Strong
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
Throughout Scripture, a great deal of importance is placed on names, as the names of key people and places are rich with meaning. Dr. David Jeremiah considers the meaning of a name given to the Word of God: the Sword of the Spirit. The more you understand this name, the more you’ll appreciate its power.
Digital Product
Accessing the Word of God (Pt. 1)
Bible Strong
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
In the Bible, there are several names for the Word of God: The Book of the Law. The Word of Life. But perhaps the most interesting is the Sword of the Spirit. Dr. David Jeremiah explains why it’s only fitting that God’s Word be named after the only offensive weapon in the armor of the believer.
Digital Product
Applying the Word of God (Pt. 2)
Bible Strong
When you own something valuable, how can you learn to use it wisely and productively? By following the instructions from its creator. Dr. David Jeremiah explains that when we follow the instructions from our Creator, our lives produce a wide range of fruit that demonstrate our faith.
Digital Product
Accepting the Word of God
Bible Strong
Dr. David Jeremiah begins his series, Bible Strong, with some practical tools to help you put more time into – and get more out of – the Bible. Because the life-changing power of Scripture requires more than just skimming through it.
Digital Product
Applying the Word of God (Pt. 1)
Bible Strong
A love letter looks like an ordinary piece of mail until you open it and let the words move your heart. In many ways, the same is true of the Bible. Dr. David Jeremiah looks at the Bible as more than just a book of history and wisdom, but as a love letter from God’s heart to yours.
Digital Product
Accepting the Word of God (Pt. 2)
Bible Strong
God’s power wasn’t just available to the heroes of the Bible. In fact, through that same Bible, God’s power is still accessible to each and every believer! Dr. David Jeremiah considers the life-changing difference it can make when you move from just reading God’s Word to actually applying it.
Digital Product
Accepting the Word of God (Pt. 1)
Bible Strong
Dr. David Jeremiah begins his series, Bible Strong, with some practical tools to help you put more time into – and get more out of – the Bible. Because the life-changing power of Scripture requires more than just skimming through it.
Digital Product
A Psalm for the New Year (Pt. 2)
New Year Collection
The year is changing. Your calendars are changing. If you want your life to change, fill it with love from the One who never changes! Dr. David Jeremiah encourages us to study the Word of God and grow closer to His Son, Jesus.
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A Psalm for the New Year (Pt. 1)
New Year Collection
As the New Year approaches, millions of people are making resolutions to help them be happy. But that can never truly happen if God isn’t central to the plan. Dr. David Jeremiah explains why, with support from the First Psalm – a perfect Scripture passage to carry with you into the year ahead.
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A Great Promise for the New Year
New Year Collection
Instead of approaching the new year with a promise to yourself (in the form of a New Year’s resolution), why not focus on a promise from God? Dr. David Jeremiah breaks down one of the most quoted – and most misunderstood – promises in the Bible, found in Romans 8:28. It’s the perfect verse to cling to for the year ahead.
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A Great Promise for the New Year (Pt. 2)
New Year Collection
As you look ahead to the new year, who do you see orchestrating the things that will happen in your life? Yourself? God? No one? Dr. David Jeremiah shares on the importance of proper perspective, especially when life gets difficult, as he continues to unpack God’s promise in Romans 8:28.
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A Great Promise for the New Year (Pt. 1)
New Year Collection
Instead of approaching the new year with a promise to yourself (in the form of a New Year’s resolution), why not focus on a promise from God? Dr. David Jeremiah breaks down one of the most quoted – and most misunderstood – promises in the Bible, found in Romans 8:28. It’s the perfect verse to cling to for the year ahead.
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Why the "Fear-Nots" of Christmas? (Pt. 2)
Why the Nativity?
The angelic faces in your Nativity scene are masking the gut-wrenching fear these people felt in real life. Discover what happened when these people trusted God through their season of fear—and why you should, too.
Digital Product
Why the "Fear-Nots" of Christmas? (Pt. 1)
Why the Nativity?
If you find Christmas to be not a season of festivity, but one of fear, take heart—fear was part of the first Christmas as well. Dr. David Jeremiah offers biblical encouragement for overcoming anxiety and depression, which are often rooted in fear this time of year.
Digital Product
Why Call Him Savior? (Pt. 2)
Why the Nativity?
If you struggle to keep your Christmas celebration focused on Jesus, remember the word that shows how He keeps His love on focused on you: Savior. Dr. David Jeremiah explains why this special word stands apart from the hundreds of other names and titles given to Christ.
Digital Product
Why Call Him Immanuel?
Why the Nativity?
Because of His love for mankind, the Creator chose to confine Himself to a humble human body so that man could know Him. That’s the Christmas story. Dr. David Jeremiah unpacks that truth, which has challenged and inspired the human race for over two thousand years. What does it mean that God is with us?
Digital Product
Why Call Him Savior? (Pt. 1)
Why the Nativity?
Jesus is given many names and titles. But the one which was announced to the world on the first Christmas stands apart: Savior. Dr. David Jeremiah considers the meaning and majesty of that special title, and why it was revealed at that particular time.
Digital Product
Why Call Him Immanuel? (Pt. 2)
Why the Nativity?
God with us. Just three little words from Matthew’s account of the Nativity story. But those three words radically changed the course of human history. Dr. David Jeremiah looks more deeply into the meaning of “God with us” and the impact of the Creator becoming human in the person of Jesus.
Digital Product
Why Call Him Immanuel? (Pt. 1)
Why the Nativity?
Because of His love for mankind, the Creator chose to confine Himself to a humble human body so that man could know Him. That’s the Christmas story. Dr. David Jeremiah unpacks that truth, which has challenged and inspired the human race for over two thousand years. What does it mean that God is with us?
Digital Product
Why the Gifts of the Wisemen? (Pt. 2)
Why the Nativity?
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
Did the Wise Men give gold, frankincense, and myrrh to young Jesus because they were the most valuable gifts? Or the most meaningful? Dr. David Jeremiah answers that question with insights on how each of those gifts reflects Christ as King, Priest and Savior.
Digital Product
Why the Gifts of the Wisemen? (Pt. 1)
Why the Nativity?
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
They’re not considered central figures in the Nativity story, yet their gifts for the Christ Child are unmatched in significance. Dr. David Jeremiah takes a closer look at the Wise Men, the misinformation that often surrounds their role in the Christmas saga, and the meaning behind each of their gifts.
Digital Product
Why No Room in the Inn?
Why the Nativity?
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
Christ’s birth in a lowly stable is a detail of the Nativity story that’s covered in just a few words of Luke. But it has profound significance for every person on earth. Dr. David Jeremiah ponders the importance of God in the flesh arriving in this most humble of circumstances.
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Why the Shepherds? (Pt. 2)
Why the Nativity?
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
Some believers think Christmas should be observed in somber silence. But as the shepherds demonstrated, the natural response to Christmas is rejoicing! Dr. David Jeremiah follows these humble ranch hands as they greet the newborn Jesus, whose spontaneous joy becomes contagious.
Digital Product
Why the Shepherds? (Pt. 1)
Why the Nativity?
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
The announcement of Jesus’ birth was so significant it was delivered by an angel army—to an audience just as unique: a tiny gathering of rural shepherds. Dr. David Jeremiah explains why these simple men were chosen as the first to receive the greatest news ever given.
Digital Product
Why No Room in the Inn?
Why the Nativity?
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
Christ’s birth in a lowly stable is a detail of the Nativity story that’s covered in just a few words of Luke. But it has profound significance for every person on earth. Dr. David Jeremiah ponders the importance of God in the flesh arriving in this most humble of circumstances.
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Purchase Series
Hope in God (Pt. 2)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
In times of hopelessness and despair, you probably don’t feel like singing songs of praise to God. But that’s exactly when you should! Dr. David Jeremiah considers this paradox. Learn how the simple act of singing can bring about tremendous transformation.
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A Living Hope (Pt. 1)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
You won’t find hope in a fitness regime, a philosophy book or a financial plan. That’s because true hope – our only hope – is a living hope. Dr. David Jeremiah turns to First Peter for insights into the one-of-a-kind hope we have as believers in Christ.
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Hope--An Anchor For Life
Hope--An Anchor for Life
It is essential to life, yet many try to live without it. Christians have it in abundance, but sometimes forget when trouble comes. It’s hope. And Dr. David Jeremiah wants to help you cultivate and become filled with life-giving hope. If you struggle with hopelessness, listen in.
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A Living Hope (Pt. 2)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
Accepting Christ as your savior doesn’t give you an exemption from life’s problems. But it does give you hope, which makes the problems less painful. Dr. David Jeremiah returns to the book of First Peter to shed more light on the difference hope makes in your daily Christian walk.
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Hope in the Valley of Trouble (Pt. 1)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
You probably know someone who was once strong in their faith, but lost hope. Maybe it was you. How does that happen, and can lost hope be regained? Dr. David Jeremiah tackles those questions head-on with captivating examples from God’s Word. How will your hope hold out when trouble comes along?
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