Walking in Love
Belief That Behaves
Walking shows up in the Bible a lot. We're told to walk in our faith, walk worthy of our calling—and in Ephesians 5:1-2, we are told to walk in love. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah examines how we learn to walk in love by imitating God.
Walking in Wisdom (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
Wisdom is God giving us the ability to negotiate our lives when we don’t know what to do and when we have no precedent to make our decisions. Because we are living in unprecedented times, we need God's wisdom now more than ever. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah examines God's Word for insight on what a wise walk looks like.
Leave the Light On (Pt. 2)
Belief That Behaves
Some believers proudly proclaim that they have no non-Christian friends. What does God’s Word say about that? In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah looks to the book of Ephesians to examine what it means to bring light into our dark world.
Leave the Light On (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
When Paul says that we are to “walk as children of light,” he is reminding us that this light isn’t “our” light. It’s the light that comes from Almighty God. God is the true light. And we are to reflect that light to others.
Walking in Love (Pt. 2)
Belief That Behaves
Thinking about all the things you don’t have makes it impossible to walk in love. Join Dr. David Jeremiah as he shows how being grateful for what you do have can help.
Walking in Love (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
Walking shows up in the Bible a lot. We're told to walk in our faith, walk worthy of our calling—and in Ephesians 5:1-2, we are told to walk in love. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah examines how we learn to walk in love by imitating God.
The New and the Old
Belief That Behaves
Even as Christians, our sinful human nature never fully goes away. So how do we cope with this sobering truth? Dr. David Jeremiah points us to the Scriptures for wisdom on how to replace former habits with a better way to live.
A New Lifestyle (Pt. 2)
Belief That Behaves
If you’re a Christian, you know the impact of being forgiven. But how often do you extend forgiveness to others? In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah explains why forgiveness is so essential.
A New Lifestyle (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
What should a Christian look like? What should their lifestyle be like? These are questions that Paul answers in the concluding portion of Ephesians 4. And some might be suprised to know that his idea of a Christian lifestyle has nothing to do with financial wealth, physical health, or geographical location; it's about the ability to live with others in a virtious and honorable way.
The New and the Old (Pt. 2)
Belief That Behaves
We were born with an appetite for worldly values. How can we control that appetite in our Christian walk? Learn more in this message from Dr. David Jeremiah.
The New and the Old (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
Even as Christians, our sinful human nature never fully goes away. So how do we cope with this sobering truth? Dr. David Jeremiah points us to the Scriptures for wisdom on how to replace former habits with a better way to live.
The Diversity of Unity (Pt. 2)
Belief That Behaves
Are you impacting the synergy of your church? Contributing to a combined effect that’s greater than the sum of individual efforts? Dr. David Jeremiah considers this concept in this message from Ephesians 4.
A Prayer for Inner Strength
Belief That Behaves
It is important to exercise, but physical strength can only carry us so far. If we’re going to thrive in this world and hold fast to both the promises and responsibilities that come with being a follower of Christ, we need something much more substantial—inner strength. In Ephesians, Paul gives us a template for praying for inner strength.
The Diversity of Unity (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
Christians have more than talents and abilities – we have God-given gifts for building up the Church. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah considers how all these gifts work together. Covers Ephesians 4:7-16.
The Oneness of Our Faith (Pt. 2)
Belief That Behaves
We weren’t intended to navigate life – or our faith – on our own. God wants His people to support one another and walk through this life together—in fact, this is a fundamental part of what the Church is supposed to be.
The Oneness of Our Faith (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
Unity. The apostle Paul pleaded for it. Christ Himself prayed for it. But Christians seem to be further from unity than ever. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah explores a passage of Scripture that stresses the importance of unity by defining its access points and teaching us how to practice it with others. Covers Ephesians 4:1-6.
A Prayer for Inner Strength (Pt. 2)
Belief That Behaves
When you feel weak in your Christian walk, you might be relying on your own strength instead of God’s. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah reminds us that God is always able.
A Prayer for Inner Strength (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
It is important to exercise, but physical strength can only carry us so far. If we’re going to thrive in this world and hold fast to both the promises and responsibilities that come with being a follower of Christ, we need something much more substantial—inner strength. In Ephesians, Paul gives us a template for praying for inner strength.
Belief That Behaves
According to the World Christian Encylopedia, there are more than 33,000 different Christian denominations in the world, all of which owe their origin to a church split at some point in their history. We see this play out in the present day, when it seems as if Christians can't agree on much of anything. Still, the Church is called to unity. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah offers biblical guidance for getting along.
Unity (Pt. 2)
Belief That Behaves
Everyone is broken and needs help from one another, so being part of a church family should be a top priority. Join Dr. David Jeremiah as he examines why church involvement is so vital.
Unity (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
According to the World Christian Encylopedia, there are more than 33,000 different Christian denominations in the world, all of which owe their origin to a church split at some point in their history. We see this play out in the present day, when it seems as if Christians can't agree on much of anything. Still, the Church is called to unity. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah offers biblical guidance for getting along.
Before and After (Pt. 2)
Belief That Behaves
History is divided into two eras: before and after Christ. That same division also applies to your our personal lives. Join Dr. David Jeremiah as he shares the blessings that await after receiving Christ as our Savior.
Before and After (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
The Bible is not a book that teaches us to live introspectively in the past. So when Paul encourages the Ephesians to reflect on their past without Christ and contrast with their current life in Him, it stands out as a powerful command that deserves our attention.
Created for Good Works (Pt. 2)
Belief That Behaves
Gifts are meant to be used—especially those given to us by God. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah encourages us to look to God's Word and find enthusiasm and joy in doing what He has created us to do.
Salvation Pure and Simple
Belief That Behaves
Life can be complex, leading some to complicate the beautiful simplicity of salvation. Thankfully, the book of Ephesians holds one of the most concise presentations of the gospel in all of God's Word. If you want to know what it means to experience the blessing of salvation, Ephesians 2:1-9 is the place to look.
Created for Good Works (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
Libraries are loaded with books promising to help you find your purpose in life. But God’s Word provides the answer in just one verse! Follow along with Dr. David Jeremiah as he uncovers six secrets to living the life for which we were created.
Salvation Pure and Simple (Pt. 2)
Belief That Behaves
You may be self-reliant, but some things can’t be attained through your own efforts – including life’s greatest blessing of salvation. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah explains what it means to be saved.
Salvation Pure and Simple (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
Life can be complex, leading some to complicate the beautiful simplicity of salvation. Thankfully, the book of Ephesians holds one of the most concise presentations of the gospel in all of God's Word. If you want to know what it means to experience the blessing of salvation, Ephesians 2:1-9 is the place to look.
The Secret to Spiritual Power (Pt. 2)
Belief That Behaves
You may have access to electricity, but you can’t enjoy the benefit if you don’t plug in your devices. The same is true of spiritual power.
The Secret to Spiritual Power (Pt. 1)
Belief That Behaves
As believers, we have a myriad of blessings through Christ. But if we don't stay connected to Christ, these gifts are worthless. Join Dr. David Jeremiah as he explains how we can make use of the spiritual blessings we have received.
Eight Spiritual Blessings
Belief That Behaves
Wealth, power and prestige will never fulfill you. If you’re a Christian, all you need is what you already have! In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah walks through the opening verses of the book of Ephesians and reminds us of our true wealth, which we have in Jesus Christ. Covers Ephesians 1:1-14.