Turning Point Radio

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Listen to past episodes of Turning Point Radio and find out what is coming up next! Each broadcast is archived the day it airs, and the 31 most recent broadcasts are available for online streaming.

Dr David Jeremiah


February 2025
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Happy Are the Harnessed (Pt. 1)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
What comes to mind when you hear Jesus’ words, “Blessed are the meek”? If you picture someone weak, spineless and submissive, you’re in for a surprise. Dr David Jeremiah explains the original meaning of meekness and why it’s worth taking to heart if you want to be happy.
Digital Product
Happy Are the Hurting (Pt. 2)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
When you suffer a loss, the world’s message is to stay busy and move on. But God’s Word says it’s okay to grieve and to work through your sorrow. Dr David Jeremiah shares several biblical, practical tools to help you deal with grief, in your own timing, following the loss of a loved one.
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Life Outside the Amusement Park
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
Some say nothing should stand in the way of your happiness. Others say happiness and holiness can’t coexist. What did Jesus say? Dr David Jeremiah explores that very subject.
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Happy Are the Hurting (Pt. 1)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
If you’ve experienced pain and grief in your life, Jesus said there’s a special kind of blessing reserved just for you. Dr David Jeremiah sheds light on that blessing, and into the mystery of how God can turn sorrow into satisfaction.
Digital Product
Happy Are the Humble (Pt. 2)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
Celebrities who seem to “have it all” are often miserable, while the happiest people tend to live outside the spotlight, quietly serving others. Are you surprised? Dr David Jeremiah examines this phenomenon.
Digital Product
Happy Are the Humble (Pt. 1)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
When Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit,” was He referring to material poverty? A sour attitude? Or something else entirely? Dr David Jeremiah considers the meaning behind this first Beatitude and how it can help us experience deep joy and satisfaction.
Digital Product
Life Outside the Amusement Park (Pt. 2)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
The harder you search for it, the harder it is to find. In fact, most people who find it were looking for something else altogether! Dr David Jeremiah teaches the pursuit of happiness as taught by Christ in His Sermon on the Mount.
Digital Product
Life Outside the Amusement Park (Pt. 1)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
Some say nothing should stand in the way of your happiness. Others say happiness and holiness can’t coexist. What did Jesus say about happiness? Dr David Jeremiah explores that very subject: How to be Happy According to Jesus. You might be surprised by what He has to say!
Digital Product
Hope for Our Church (Pt. 1)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
A generation ago, most people belonged to a church, the Bible was preached boldly and it influenced society and its values. Sadly, that’s hardly the case anymore. Dr David Jeremiah examines the state of the church and encourages us not to give up hope, but rather to remember why the church exists in the first place.
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Hope for Our Families (Pt. 2)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
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Hope isn’t just wishful thinking. Sometimes keeping hope alive means taking responsibility, especially if that hope is for your family. Dr David Jeremiah sheds more light on the state of the family and what Christians must do in their churches and homes to ensure hope.
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Hope for Our Families (Pt. 1)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
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The family is under attack, from the prevalence of divorce to the breakdown of morality to the redefinition of what “family” even means. Is the family beyond hope? Dr David Jeremiah turns to God’s Word for strategies to help us defend and fortify our families.
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Hope for Our Church (Pt. 2)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
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It used to be the source of society’s shared values – a powerful voice for salvation, morality and social justice. Is there still hope for the church? Dr David Jeremiah reminds us about the reasons the church exists and why we must never forget them.
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Hope for Our Church (Pt. 1)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
A generation ago, most people belonged to a church, the Bible was preached boldly and it influenced society and its values. Sadly, that’s hardly the case anymore. Dr David Jeremiah examines the state of the church and encourages us not to give up hope, but rather to remember why the church exists in the first place.
Digital Product
Hope for Our Nation
Hope--An Anchor for Life
In a culture that seems to have turned its back on God, with no moral compass and no sign of turning around, you might be wondering: is there hope for our nation? Dr David Jeremiah answers with the Old Testament story of another nation in similar distress, and how revival changed everything.
Digital Product
A Psalm of Hope (Pt. 2)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
Psalm 146 is a Psalm of hope, demonstrating the psalmist's firm resolution to hope in the Lord and not in man. In this message, we learn how the actions of God allow us to trust in Him as a God of hope.
Digital Product
A Psalm of Hope (Pt. 1)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
The theme of hope runs throughout the Bible. But when your supply is running dry and you need a place to soak up the hope you have in God, one passage stands apart. Dr David Jeremiah takes you to Psalm 146 for a guided tour of the Scripture overflowing with reasons for hope.
Digital Product
Hope in the Valley of Trouble (Pt. 2)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
Is something standing between you and the hope you have in Christ? Don’t spend another moment feeling hopeless – destroy that barrier! Dr David Jeremiah continues his look at the ways lost hope can be restored. He shares biblical tools and practical steps for returning to a life of victory and confidence.
Digital Product
Hope in the Valley of Trouble (Pt. 1)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
You probably know someone who was once strong in their faith, but lost hope. Maybe it was you. How does that happen, and can lost hope be regained? Dr David Jeremiah tackles those questions head-on with captivating examples from God’s Word. How will your hope hold out when trouble comes along?
Digital Product
A Living Hope (Pt. 2)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
Accepting Christ as your savior doesn’t give you an exemption from life’s problems. But it does give you hope, which makes the problems less painful. Dr David Jeremiah returns to the book of First Peter to shed more light on the difference hope makes in your daily Christian walk.
Digital Product
Hope--An Anchor For Life
Hope--An Anchor for Life
It is essential to life, yet many try to live without it. Christians have it in abundance, but sometimes forget when trouble comes. It’s hope. And Dr David Jeremiah wants to help you cultivate and become filled with life-giving hope. If you struggle with hopelessness, listen in.
Digital Product
A Living Hope (Pt. 1)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
You won’t find hope in a fitness regime, a philosophy book or a financial plan. That’s because true hope – our only hope – is a living hope. Dr David Jeremiah turns to First Peter for insights into the one-of-a-kind hope we have as believers in Christ.
Digital Product
Hope in God (Pt. 2)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
In times of hopelessness and despair, you probably don’t feel like singing songs of praise to God. But that’s exactly when you should! Dr David Jeremiah considers this paradox. Learn how the simple act of singing can bring about tremendous transformation.
Digital Product
Hope in God (Pt. 1)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
Have you ever tried to fix a problem until you had drained all your strength and resources, and all you had left was hope? Dr David Jeremiah explains how hope is most alive just when everything seems hopeless. And that’s just one of the Bible’s paradoxes about hope you’ll encounter in this message.
Digital Product
Hope--An Anchor For Life (Pt. 2)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
Nothing can make you feel more lost and adrift than hopelessness, nor more secure than hope. No wonder the writer of Hebrews says hope is like an anchor. Dr David Jeremiah continues his series on hope with a look at the three qualities that make hope so uniquely fulfilling for the believer.
Digital Product
Hope--An Anchor For Life (Pt. 1)
Hope--An Anchor for Life
It is essential to life, yet many try to live without it. Christians have it in abundance, but sometimes forget when trouble comes. It’s hope. And Dr David Jeremiah wants to help you cultivate and become filled with life-giving hope. If you struggle with hopelessness, listen in.
Digital Product
Advancing the Word of God
Bible Strong
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
In legal matters, it’s important to maintain written records and have important declarations in writing. But is it also important in spiritual matters? Dr David Jeremiah says, “Yes!” as he shares the benefits of journaling. Whether it’s a new concept or part of your daily routine for a lifetime, you’ll appreciate today’s message, “Advancing the Word of God.”
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Advancing the Word of God (Pt. 2)
Bible Strong
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
You’ve heard people say journaling took their spiritual lives to new heights, and you’re ready to try it… but perhaps you don’t know what to write about. Relax! Dr David Jeremiah offers a helpful handful of ideas to get you writing and keep you journaling every day.
Digital Product
Advancing the Word of God (Pt. 1)
Bible Strong
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
In legal matters, it’s important to maintain written records and have important declarations in writing. But is it also important in spiritual matters? Dr David Jeremiah says, “Yes!” as he shares the benefits of journaling. Whether it’s a new concept or part of your daily routine for a lifetime, you’ll appreciate today’s message, “Advancing the Word of God.”
Digital Product
Accessing the Word of God (Pt. 2)
Bible Strong
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
Throughout Scripture, a great deal of importance is placed on names, as the names of key people and places are rich with meaning. Dr David Jeremiah considers the meaning of a name given to the Word of God: the Sword of the Spirit. The more you understand this name, the more you’ll appreciate its power.
Digital Product
Accessing the Word of God (Pt. 1)
Bible Strong
Selected Scriptures  |  More Info »
In the Bible, there are several names for the Word of God: The Book of the Law. The Word of Life. But perhaps the most interesting is the Sword of the Spirit. Dr David Jeremiah explains why it’s only fitting that God’s Word be named after the only offensive weapon in the armor of the believer.
Digital Product
Applying the Word of God (Pt. 2)
Bible Strong
When you own something valuable, how can you learn to use it wisely and productively? By following the instructions from its creator. Dr David Jeremiah explains that when we follow the instructions from our Creator, our lives produce a wide range of fruit that demonstrate our faith.
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Happy Are the Harnessed (Pt. 2)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
The quality of meekness stands in stark contrast to a culture that prizes personal ambition and aggressive achievement. Does meekness still serve a purpose? Dr David Jeremiah says, “Yes!” and shares several reasons why this maligned quality is still very much in need.
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Happy Are the Hungry (Pt. 1)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
Physical hunger can consume every thought and desire. Should spiritual hunger be any less powerful? Dr David Jeremiah explains why God wants His children to be hungry, spiritually speaking, and why the result is so uniquely satisfying.
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Happy Are the Hungry (Pt. 2)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
Spiritual hunger should be as strong a driving force in our lives as physical hunger. But that’s where the similarity ends. Dr David Jeremiah explains why the two types of hunger are so dramatically different, while offering biblical principles to help increase our spiritual appetite.
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Happy Are the Hurting
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
If you’ve experienced grief, Jesus said there’s a special blessing reserved just for you. Dr David Jeremiah sheds light on that blessing, and on how God can turn sorrow into satisfaction.
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Happy Are the Helpers (Pt. 1)
How To Be Happy According to Jesus
If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of mercy, you know how good it feels. In fact, the only thing better than receiving mercy is giving it. Dr David Jeremiah shares powerful stories from God's Word that contain heavenly insights on mercy.
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