Share Your Story
Take a moment to let us know how God has used Dr Jeremiah's ministry in your life. With your permission, we may publish your story to inspire others!
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Stories from Around the World

"I have found a great link between your radio show and my mornings! I wake up and read my Bible and then listen to your radio broadcast. This helps me stay focused on the most important thing in my life. Turning Point has been my light tower in my darkest days."
"Since then I have listened to every single broadcast for the last 3 ½ years! God has used you tremendously in my life to grow me and draw me closer to Him. I'll be struggling with something in my life and when I turn on Turning Point, that days message is exactly what I need to hear."
"Being a full time caregiver to my parents is a lonely existence, but also a learning experience. The Turning Point broadcasts have inspired me and helped me over many low places in life."
"Dr Jeremiah's sermons have offered me insight into the events around me and have led me back to God in times when I felt like running away. Thanks for preaching God's Word!"
"Since I found your television show four years ago my husband and I have come back to Christ after being Catholic for many years. May God continue to bless you for the world's sake!"
"I've been struggling in my walk with God. The last few broadcasts have hit home, like you are teaching the series just for me. Thank you for being the lighthouse that God uses to shine through!"